
One of my APIs doesn't work anymore. Is there a way to restore it?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    If you are on Prototype/Business - you can take advantage of Version History to roll back to a previous version of your API endpoint. Just open the menu of your endpoint and select Versions.

  • Oliver Burrell
    What about if data gets corrupted. Is it possible to restore data somehow?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes, you can restore from a backup through support. We do a backup every 24 hours and keep a running total of 3. So there are the 3 previous days - these backups are at an entire workspace level. 
  • Hey  , 

    Hopping on this thread. 

    Is there a way that the backups can be obtained on a table level? 

    Otherwise, do you know if there's a best practice / recommended way in which we can backup our own data? 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    ^A correction on backups at the workspace level - backups are on the instance level.

     - currently you can export all your data as JSON - this is the entire database and schema. This requires manually clicking export all data from the settings page. However, more friendly data exports is something we plan to implement.

    Another option could be the creation of CSVs through the API/function stack - this would allow you to do it on more of a table basis. Perhaps a scheduled background task if you wanted to try to implement something more automated. 
  • dana
    dana Member
     - you said “more friendly data exports is something we plan to implement”

    Any chance you can elaborate on future plans when it comes to backups? And ETA?
    It would be great if we can have automated backup our own data. I would personally love to a have daily backup for the last 7 days and a monthly backup (eg. First of the month) for the last 3 months.

    This might seem like overkill, but there have been cases in the past where backups really came in handy.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - I don't have an ETA on this yet. We are currently focused on some larger core-experience items at the moment such as a new and improved function stack. 

    We do perform automatic backups every 24 hours for a running total of 3. (So the 3 previous days). If you need to restore from a backup you can do so by contacting support. But I would recommend posting that request to our feature request board - - because we do take into account highly requested/upvoted features
  • dana
    dana Member
     is it possible to request (from support) a copy of the backup to download and store on our own hard drive?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     you can receive a backup of your workspace by going to workspace settings and clicking export all data. It will email you when complete. You can do this as many times as you want at whatever frequency you want.

    This is the best method to get a backup on your own for the time being.
  • tbb
    tbb Member

    Considering the version history on the table is only for schema and not for the data itself, I think this should be prioritised. Being able to restore deleted data without reverting entire space to -24hours is crucial imho.

  • Ray Deck
    Ray Deck Trusted Xano Expert ✭✭✭

    @tbb you can implement this yourself by making background tasks that export your data to a file. Xano now has the ability to store those files for you. Maybe Xano will implement table-level recovery as a core feature in some future release, but there's no reason you can't get safety for yourself/clients in the near term.

  • tbb
    tbb Member

    @Ray Deck Sounds good for all-in-one backups but I agree the table-level would be awesome.