Environment Variables Error

Usually when I change or create an environment variable it returns an error. I need to reload the page to work.

[Captura de Tela 2021-08-21 às 00.02.55.png]


  • Daniel Rjeili
    Yes ! Me too, a have to refresh de browser than work for a while and then it rises again
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     We aren't seeing this issue on your side. Any chance you can create a loom video showing this? or provide steps? I just tried creating a bunch of environment variables, updating them, deleting them, etc. Didn't run into any issues.
  • Steve Stava
    I was able to make it happen by having 2 Xano tabs open; Add a environment variable to the first one; go to the second tab and try to save the env variable page or add another env. variable and save. 
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    That would explain it. We don't support using multiple tabs. That warning is there to prevent bad updates since the tabs don't synchronize their state.

    100% want to make improvements on this to make collaboration better with yourself or teammates. It is on the roadmap. For the time being though, try not to use 2 tabs unless needed. 🙂