Manipulating Arrays


I have 2 arrays:

arrayA = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
arrayB = [1, 2, 3, 4]

I need to create a new array only with the value that does not have in the 2 arrays, in this case arrayC = [5], as in the example above.

How can I do this? Is there any way I can subtract one array by the other so that only the values are different from the 2 arrays?


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey Mauro,

    Good question. We will be adding some new filters later today to make this easier. Stay tuned!
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    spoke too soon... ran into a hiccup with the build. we are going to be deploying this on monday.

    we will have filters to do a diff and an intersection. I'll reply back monday when the build is released.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     this is now live.

    there are 4 new filters that can help with this. 

    the assoc variants are more friendly if the object key is important. If you just care about the values, then use the first version.
  •  I tested it here, it worked. Thanks again.

    Feedback only. I think it's interesting to already add these new filters in the documentation with examples, this should reduce support. I always go there and do research when I have any questions or need to see if it's possible to solve a problem with the features that already exist in Xano.

    I know your implementation speed is super fast, but it can make support easier in the long term as the staff is reduced.
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     Thanks for the feedback. We are in the process of a massive documentation overhaul for this exact reason and we promise you'll see it get a lot better in the coming weeks!