Xano - Memberstack Integration


I had copied the Webflow - Memberstack - Xano template awhile back, but have had trouble using it to move data for new members through the systems. After editing the "memberstack_member" query, I upgraded what I had from the marketplace today. I think I now have Version 6.

Assuming that the update was successful, I am still unable to see the Webflow ID populated in Memberstack.

As an experiment, I set up a Zap that fires off when a new member is created in Memberstack that moves data between Memberstack, Webflow, and Xano. Using the zap, I am able to populate the Webflow Member ID field in Memberstack.

I don't think this is a field naming / matching issue.

I do wonder if there is an issue with API versions??

It looks like Xano is using v.1 and Zapier is using 1.2.1 of the Memberstack API. (I'm also not sure if 1.2.1 is the most recent version.)

If it is not a versioning issue, any other suggestions?

Thank you.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hm.. I would not think that should matter but let me do some testing on my end - but I suspect there may be something else tripping it up. I will do some digging on my end
  • Colleen Brady
     - Thank you!

    I temporarily altered my registration form so that I could manually add a value and test with webhook.site.

    [image.png]Here's the field set in Memberstack:

  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


    Hi!  Things have been a bit crazy but I've got it on my schedule to look at this today. Thanks for bringing it to our attn we'll get it sorted.
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     I just tested this on a few different accounts and all seems to be working just fine.  I'll message you separately about hopping on a very quick call to debug but i'm sure we can get it sorted in 15m
  • Colleen Brady
     Thank you!