Ways to send bulk data?

Every week, I need to send a printer a list of addresses to send mailers to.

Normally, I would want to attach the list of addresses as a csv. Is that possible?

If not, is it possible to put a table into the body of the email that they could copy and paste into Excel?

If not, should I just include a bunch of comma separated values in the body of the email and tell them to convert it to a table in Excel using text-to-columns?

Or is there a better way to go about this?  


  • Lachlan McPherson
    Hi Erin,

    This might be a bit of a round-about solution, however I'd say you'd be able to push your printer list into Airtable, from there you'd be able to have a CSV created and emailed through either an inbuilt airtable function, or via integromat: https://www.integromat.com/en/integrations/airtable/csv/email
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hi ,

    There are csv filters to easily make this happen. Take a look at csv_create for a quick win or you can get more detailed with csv_encode.
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    Interesting question, .

    , is that what you're suggesting to do (see attached screenshot)?
    [Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 5.32.32 PM.png]
    I get an error when I try to run it. What am I doing wrong?
    [EDIT]It seems that pagination might have be the culprit here.[/EDIT]

    I'm also wondering, do I have to set `ROWS` in `csv_create` even thought it's already a filter on an `Query all Records` object? What should I put in `ROWS`, the object I'm filtering on?
    [EDIT]Never mind. The object is the array of field names and `ROWS` is the thing you're iterating on. I think I got it.[/EDIT]
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    Given the edits above, I was about to make it work with an endpoint that looks like that…
    [Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 5.54.22 PM.png]
     I hope it helps you, as well. If not, I'm sorry for taking over your post.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    looks like you figured it out.

    here is a snippet showing an example - https://www.xano.com/snippet/ufiacxww/
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    And maybe a more elegant solution is to put all that logic in the response itself, like this…
    [Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 6.03.07 PM.png]
  • Erin Wagner
     ,  ,  , things have been so crazy that I'm just now getting around to responding, but I did appreciate this fantastic input. Thank you!