Download/export a database table

It might be a silly question but is there a way to download (or export one way or another) all the records in a database?


  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    To provide more context, I'm looking for a way to execute SQL queries. I want to do manual data analyses.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    You are able to export all your data and schema as a YAML file from the settings of your workspace (click the menu icon in the top right corner). 
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
     Thanks. I see it now.

    I clicked on it. A `…/export?full=true` request is pending. I let it run for a few minutes without success. One of my tables has over 1 million records. I assume it might just be taking a long time.

    Is there an asynchronous way to retrieve it, by email maybe?
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    I eventually received the following response…

    An error occurred.

    Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
    Please try again later.

    If you are the system administrator of this resource then you should check the error log for details.Faithfully yours, nginx.
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    That's definitely a lot. We need to move that to the background processor like airtable does so.

    Do you have an urgent need to export this or are you just curious? We could do a manual export for you if needed.
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
     That's what I assumed.

    It's definitely not an urgent need to have it available in the product. If a manual export is not too much work, I'd take it but, it's far from a priority.

    Either way is fine. 🤗
  • Georges Duverger
    Georges Duverger Trusted Xano Expert
    Given the powerful aggregation capabilities of the platform (i.e., post), I might be able to do all my analyses inside Xano. In other words, exporting a large table is not something I need anymore. Feel free to kick that one off the list (at least, as far as I'm concerned). Cheers