API Not Recognizing List of Text as Input Parameter When Calling from External App

Would appreciate some help identifying how to correctly pass an array of text as an input parameter when making a call from outside Xano. I set up a test API with details below.

This API that accepts a list of text values called "locations".
Then I set up a loop such that for each location in the input list, the API searches a table for records where the "inqLoc" = the current item in the loop, and returns a count.

This is what the location field in the table looks like: it is just a text field
This is a sample payload and sample result when I test within Xano. It all works.
But when I test the API using Postman or from an external app, it treats the input list as one string of text, instead of individual items. I've entered the input list using the syntax within Xano, and tried other ways as well.

Here's the result when I pass multiple input items via Postman: no luck
[Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 9.31.15 AM.png]
Here's the result when I pass only one input item using Postman: it works

[Screen Shot 2021-09-03 at 9.33.12 AM.png]I need to make this work--instead of formatting the output using aggregate-- because the final function I'm working on is more complex than a count.
