??? Change in prices and limitations

I upgraded my Xano plan and was surprised to see that the values ​​increased considerably, in addition some limitations were imposed on plans that didn't have before, such as number of records per workspace and Background tasks.

I understand that the Xano is being improved day by day, however these changes I really believe were exaggerated from the previous price list. Little by little I'm bringing my projects to work on Xano, but I was afraid of this increase.

Here in Brazil the dollar value is almost 6 to 1, that is, the new Scale plan is coming out almost 1200.00 (BRL), in our local currency.

As I will have the peace of mind that the value of the plans will not increase again in a while. This directly impacts project planning and costs.

And the main problem I see was the limitations imposed on the plans that they didn't have before. In other words, it almost doubled the value and, in addition, great limitations were imposed.

Was anyone else surprised too?


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hi ,

    Our new pricing is trying to be more realistic with limitations while still providing a good experience. Technically someone could promise infinite records, but eventually you will reach performance issues that would require you to upgrade your package.

    The numbers we put in seem very generous in our opinion (1 million records per workspace is a lot of records). If the community disagrees, then we definitely want to hear constructive feedback.

    Can you shed some light on what caused you to think about upgrading? Was it the geo region support or something else?
  • Denis Presciliano
    Hi Mauro, I am in Florida but I am Brazilian too, so I know the issues about Brazilian currency and how software costs could affect our businesses.

    Perhaps if you try hire other platforms or a team to develop what you can do with Xano in few hours, you'll see how cheap is comparing with other solutions.

    Good luck!
  •  I've been learning and using Xano since the beginning of this year. And little by little I'm migrating my applications and my new projects to use Xano, because I'm betting a lot on Xano's evolution and growth, even more than I've been following since its inception.

    As you may have noticed, I am actively here in the community giving feedback and suggestions for improvements.

    This is a process I've been building to make Xano a key platform in my projects. I had been planning to migrate to the previous $99 plan and then evolve to the $249 plan, which were the previous plans.

    I still miss 2 great features:

    1- Work with TEST and LIVE version of endpoints/functions, as in Bubble.

    2- User permissions at the workspace level instead of at the instance level, as I can work with different teams or freelancers on different projects.

    Really 1 million records is quite a thing. But what frustrated me is that I had been planning to use Xano more and more in my projects, and with that to increase the plan. As I recall in the previous plans we had no registration limitations and the next plan after Essential was half the price of Scale today.

    In other words, we had an increase almost twice the value of the plan, in addition to the limitations. I don't know what got worse or better in features as that's not very clear either.

    In addition, as I said before, a big problem we face here in Brazil is that our currency is almost 6x the dollar value, that is, it impacts too much. For us this is not just double, but 6x more.

    The features that catch my attention the most are the cache, dedicated server and custom domain.

    Last month I decided to use Xano in a new project, which must have a lot of records over time and so I need to know what values ​​after the Scale plan and what levels of customization of features they offer.
  •  I fully understand Xano's potential and features, but it really took me by surprise. I need to equalize costs with this new reality.
  • Mr_English
      Thanks for raising this issue.  This price jump is huge for me.  I will need a regional data centre soon and, as I remember that, was $99pm.  Now that plan is $225??  I'm not sure this on-going costing is viable for our project.  In fact our client, a charity, had a tight budget and the saving on dev time by using Xano, rather than our go-to framework asp.Net, enabled us to deliver a nice solution for them.  The monthly costs would blow the finances out of the water.

    Can you at least honour the pricing that existing users signed-up to?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    We will be making an announcement later today regarding this.
  • Colm Fitzgerald
    Why would limitations not be set by data size. 
    My own plan was to use Xano for simple record keeping and simple reports generated from this data. I'm currently developing our app in Appgyver for this.
    My records would literally only be some text or numbers.  

    100,000 would be very easy to reach. Compared to say a user storing images. 

    Its a very disappointing change. And a possible deal breaker really. 
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     Thanks for this feedback it's helpful and I can understand your frustration. It's worth noting that you're currently on a plan that has unlimited records so these limitations don't affect you.  That said, let me try to explain our thinking: 

    We're in a unique place where we need to balance giving our users enough power and runway to get their app out the door without hiccups and graduating as they grow and scale to something we know is going to be best for them. After analysis of the vast majority of accounts on this package, none come close to the 100k limit so we felt like it was a reasonable limitation especially given that Airtable (where many of our users come from) limits to 100k at the Enterprise level. Furthermore we made it possible to adjust each line item without upgrading to the next package so adding another 100k of records is only an additional $10/mo.  

    At the end of the day, we're trying to provide as much value as possible at a price that allows our team to continue to innovate, launch new features quickly and support the community when help is needed. We feel like our current packages achieved that and are competitive with alternatives whether they be hiring your own development team or using similar tools. 

    That said, we won't always get it right and we'll continue to listen to what our community says about any decision we make.
  • Colm Fitzgerald
     I would just like acknowledge the time you took to response to myself. I apricate there has been changes made to the new billing plans. Xano is an excellent product and I think a limit on record numbers just seemed a bit below (I mean that with the greatest of respect) the quality of a product that Xano is. Keep up the good work.  
  • Jay
    Jay Member
     Can i do this from the free plan? Meaning just add more records for example? 

    Or put another way, is there a way not to have to jump from $0/m to $67/m directly? I would love some tier in between, or being able to upgrade more gradually.