Using images stored in a database table in a front end (Adalo) - Or other App Builder that works bet

Hi all, I'm just starting out with Xano and am trying to work out how to use an image stored in a database table in Adalo. When I use the storage >> Image metadata column type and upload the image I can see and open the image from the Xano database table but the image field is not pulling through to the Adalo external collection.

I should add that I am using the external user authorization to filter the results to a specific record that contains the image, but there is no option in Adalo to select that field from the external collection.


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey ,

    I'm not an Adalo expert, so we may need to wait until Tuesday to get a better answer. In my experience with Adalo, you need to give it an endpoint that has all the data present so it knows what schema exists.

    When you do that test api call to populate the schema, did you provide an endpoint for that particular record where it has a valid image? If so, can you share that specific endpoint here?

    I've seen previously where someone uses an endpoint where the image is null, which then wouldn't let adalo know about the data.
  • Greg Pengelly
    Hi Sean,

    The api call does work as the other fields in the record come through ok to adalo, I just don't see the field in the adalo magic text to select the image field.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - you will want to use the image url to display it - here's a quick example:

  • Xanoguy
    Xanoguy Member

    I don't see the example. I'm a beginner as well, and trying to display images in Weweb, using the Xano template backend (the one for photo sharing/liking). All of the "data display" elements in Weweb have trouble displaying the data that I pull from Xano into a Weweb "collection." Is there a simple example (maybe in psuedo code) you could show of best practices to display a single image in a front end, from a Xano databse?