What happens with extensions when one upgrades?

Hello Xano Team! 👋

When changing billing plans, I understand that endpoints change (Thanks to  for the heads up.)

I did expect that the Outseta extension would still be installed. It doesn't seem to be there anymore.

In my space, I have an option to "get" it.

As an additional test, I've created new users in Outseta and they are not showing up in my user table in Xano.

Should I install again or is there another approach?

Thank you.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - the extension should have persisted. Unfortunately, you will have to re-install it and reset your environment variables. But then things should be working so long as your endpoint URLs have been updated where they're connected. 
  • Colleen Brady
    Thank you!
  • Colleen Brady
     - I've been creating test users and not seeing anything in Xano's API history or in my user database. I'm now trying to troubleshoot. My users are appearing in Outseta.

    You mentioned resetting my environment variables (outseta_url, outseta_jwt_key). I have double-checked them by looking in Outseta and in Xano and they appear the same. Not sure what to reset?

    Other items I am looking at....

    I now have two Outseta groupings in my account, one with the Marketplace icon.


    I did update the Sign up Callback URL in Outseta to use the endpoint that is part of Group #3.

    Any other suggestions?

    Thank you.
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


    Hey  !  So i just went through the integration and all seems to be working okay. So the two important pieces of this is your outseta url which is https://.outseta.com and your jwt_key which is in the advanced options in the auth menu.  I've attached a picture.  If you've done this right, you can test it by going to the Xano Barebones Demo Page (https://demo.xano.com/outseta-barebones/home) and enter your Outseta Group Base API URL  (see screenshot).  It shoudl then take you to login page and you can test it[CleanShot 2021-09-17 at 12.06.49@2x.png]

    [CleanShot 2021-09-17 at 12.03.44@2x.png]
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     if this doesn't work let me know and i'll take a look at your account
  • Colleen Brady
    @Prakash - Thank you. Sent you a Loom video.