Outseta Integration Questions

Hello! A few questions for anyone who has used the Outseta + Xano extension.....

* When a new user is created in Outseta, will Xano be updated automatically? I was expecting that new users would appear shortly after being created in Outseta. What I've seen instead is a new user doesn't appear in Xano until after logging into my website for the first time. (The closest confirmation I've found in support of this is at around the 5:25 mark in the Xano - Outseta video)

* When a user is updated in Outseta, does Xano know automatically? I had expected Xano to be updated, but haven't seen it happen.

Thank you!


  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


    Hey Colleen!

    With the current integration new users don't sync automatically without them actually logging in and doing something.  We had discussed with the Outseta team about doing this on the next version of the integration (using a webhook) but currently it only syncs when a login happens.   Is this something that's preventing you moving forward?  I can try to chat with Geoff about it early next week.
  • Colleen Brady
    Hi Prakash!

    I don't need to have the data synced before folks log in for the first time at this point (and maybe never). I had assumed that the two systems would be saying in sync at all times as part of the integration. 

    If it's only happening upon login, that works fine for me.

    I am curious about updates though. After someone has logged in, will Outseta send changes to Xano whenever there is a change automatically? Or is that up to me to manage? I can see reasons why it would be up to me to manage.

    Just don't want to be adding code in to update if it is supposed to be working automatically on its own.

    Thank you! 
  • Colleen Brady
    Hi Prakash.

    After looking further, now see that user.outseta is updated, but user.name is not updated. 

    I had previously only been looking at the table level, which is why I didn't think updates in Outseta were making their way into Xano.
    Thank you for all the help!
  • Juan Noguera
    Juan Noguera Member

    I'm looking for some help building the authetication for a Webflow + Outseta + Xano product, a basic user dashboard, able to show the content related to each user. Is any resource out there that can help me build this myself? 

    I don't write code, but I've built something similar with airtable and zapier as my backend.
  • Muhammad Hamidullah
    Hi , I’m running an integration with Xano + Outseta + Webflow, and I’m looking to see if the webhook to automatically sync users from Outseta into Xano is already in place?
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     No this hasn't been done yet.  It's definitely something we want to work with the Outseta team on, but there are other core features that we need to launch first. I will keep this thread updated when we're able to improve the integration.
  • Muhammad Hamidullah
    Hi ! Thanks for clarifying. In the meantime, what would be the best workaround for this?
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     Great to meet you today. So currently Outseta syncs users to Xano when a user officially logs in.  If you want it automatically do it when a user signs up, you will need to do the Outseta Webhook subscription and create one in Xano. 

    Regarding connecting to webflow, i've updated the javascript slightly to reflect a function that saves the xano auth token and puts it in local storage.
    Definitely have your JS person go through it, but this should help.