SubDomain for API or a new Domain?

Hello Xanors.
My app it's in beta, just some friends testing.
It's better update my instance to the final domain before lunch the app.

I have my domain in GoDaddy, my plan is set my custom domain as a sub-domain, like, and leave my web application in

What are your thoughts, do you think I can have any DNS performance issues?
Or should I have different domains, one for API and other to the Web Application?

Thanks. 🤙


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    I don't see any harm in updating the domain.

    The API url changes any time you go from the free plan to a paid plan - or when you change regions within a paid plan. By using a custom domain, it makes it so you don't need to update your frontend if your xano api url changes. You still need to do some DNS work on your end to make sure the custom domain points to the new xano instance, but its a whole lot easier than needing to make a frontend update and making sure everyone has the right update (if its a mobile app).

    GoDaddy dns is decent. If your dns isn't changing that often then godaddy dns should be fine. I've seen some a few big godaddy dns outages over the years so you can definitely do better. If it is really concerning to you, then I would recommend - they are pretty cheap and I've never had an issue with them for over the last decade.