Default index id

Hi Xano

To increase security, why don't you consider as a default that table id's are populated with GUID's instead of ascending id's


  • Daniel Rjeili
    I think manually add an GUID field to the table and set the API to query this field instead the ID… what I am saying its “just” a turn around…to solve “part of the needs” but there is the table id references ( foreign keys ) that I think will not support right now… 
  • Riaan Backer
    jip, fully aware of the manual way of doing this. My recommendation is to make this standard for any new database 
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    Hey Riaan,

    Uuid4 is on the roadmap. Ill see if we can document the roadmap to be more transparent on what is coming up.
  • Riaan Backer
     - do you have any dates for this?
  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


    not for the id just yet... you now have the ability to generate a UUID4 field through the security function stack group or as a filter - so there is progress on this front. We are still seeing how we can change primary keys.
  • Ryan Anderson
    Would love to see this too, especially if you could set a prefix.

    I just spent time playing around with replacing the id in the response with my own random number field but it seems like too much overhead to be worth it: creating the new id, updating the array variable, unsetting the random number field from the response (using a filter b'c if you disable it from the table response you can't use it to update the id field...), etc

    I was looking to use a format like 'user_11a4341ef0ed463e81309455491185ac' but id requires an integer so couldn't do that either.

    Hopefully, you can retroactively apply this to existing databases (if they are empty).