
Hi, I am now using Adalo as a front-end solution. (Has used Bravo earlier).
I am working on an app that is going to help people with building better mental health.
It’s based on something called ABC - Act Belong Commit.
The Act-Belong-Commit guidelines for positive mental health provide a simple approach you can adopt to become more mentally healthy: Act - Do something, Belong - Do something with someone, Commit - Do Something Meaningful.
The app is supposed to give the user a set of different activities, in three different categories (Act, Belong, Commit). And by doing 1 of each activity each day, you are building better mental health.
The goal for each user is to do 21 activities in a week. (7 Act activities, 7 Belong activities and 7 Commit activities)

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I have my app set up with a top tab, where you can select between the three different categories and a “your favorites”.
When a user press the “+” the current activity is registered in a separate database called “challenges_completed”

Skjermbilde 2021-09-28 kl. 10.27.59
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This gives me the possibility to count the challenges (activities) each user has completed, and present it like this (very wip):

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Here the user can see that they have completed 6 ACT activities, 4 BELONG activities and 5 COMMIT activities. That gives a total of 15 activities. The progress bar is counting toward 21 activities, which is the target of the week.
Now I am stuck. Maybe you can help me with some of the questions below?
1. The user should try to complete 7 activities of each category each week. How can I track how many activities the user has done the last seven days and give a positive notification when the user has reached its target of 7 activities in 7 days?
2. The progress bar is counting toward 21 completed activities. But how can I make sure that it is counting the progress toward 7 Act activities + 7 Belong activities + 7 Commit activities? Today you could just complete 21 ACT activities and the progress bar would show 100% complete.
3. How can I reset the stats for a new week? But also record the great achievement done by the user? The user should be able to see a history of weeks.
4. How can I show your completed streak for the last week/month/year? I.e the user completes 1 Act activity, 1 Belong activity, and 1 Commit activity during the day. That should constitute a “completed day”. If the user does the same number of activities the following day, then the user has a streak. How could I track this and report it to the user in a nice fashion?

I think I need to use Xano for this, because I cant solve this in Adelo.

Thank you to everyone that could shed some light on this 

Tor Martin