Create Bubble's Custom States on Xano

Working with reusable elements in Bubble makes pages simpler, but custom states in reusable elements don't communicate well with page elements.

I'm wondering if it's possible to emulate the Bubbles customs states in Xano, it would be great to centralize them in one place and still be able to use them throughout the application.

Does anyone have ideas on how to make this possible?


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - That is client-side / front-end storage, whereas Xano is the backend part of the application. I found this from Bubble's website:

    "With Custom States, we are able to store information without always having to interact with the database; another term for this is “client-side” or “front-end” storage" ( It appears you mostly would use this to decide what to display on or hide on your front-end.

    Of course, if you are looking to store data on memory Xano has API response and data caching available. 

    If I am missing the point please explain the specifics around the use case for context.