GUID format - Utility Functions

Be able to generate a GUID that complies with industry format of {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     this is now live! we are all for industry standards... to not be confusing - we removed our previous GUID support which was a custom implementation and now have the UUID version... this can be found in the Security function stack group or you can use it as a filter with the name uuid.

    This is using the version 4 specification of UUID, which appears to be the most popular. If anyone has any objections to that or needs other variations, please let us know!
  • Riaan Backer
     awesome stuff, thanks Sean! 
  • Daniel Rjeili
  • Bruce Onder
    How does a noob use this?  I want to use integer IDs internally, but I would like a field on some tables that are public keys (UUID or GUID),  I tried using a text field but I can't find a filter to create_uuid or anything like that.
  • Riaan Backer
     - when you add a function, look under Security and then select UUID. This will generate a UUID that you can persist into a table of your choice. I would not be be too worried about returning the existing primary ID's to an external user.