Duplicate end point error

Hi Xano Team

I am receiving the below error when I try to create put action to update a staff record. I doubled checked the api page to ensure that there are not other end points with the same naming convention.


I am able to create it when using a lowercase c for Contacts, but then it creates a new API grouping, which I don't want.


  • Riaan Backer
    I have seen that you enforce a check on the verb used (get/put etc) and therefore I am most likely receiving this error. You need to extend your logic beyond just a verb check for duplicate names
  • Riaan Backer
    I dont know what happened now but I was able to create the end point. I would still investigate your duplicate check as mentioned above
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - you the duplicate error because we don't do a check/enforcement for priority of the query parameter in the URL endpoint name. So you had /Contacts.../{contacts_business_id} and /Contacts.../{staff_id}. If you were to do /contacts as you did or even /Contacts1 then you would not be conflicting.