.Net Identity platform authentication

Hi guys 

We have an enquiry regarding using a .Net Core front-end with Xano as a back-end. The client is using .Net's Identity service and wants to keep it.

Question 1:
In theory, can we use .Net's authentication system to access Xano records from a table that requires authentication?  I've seen mention on the forum of people using other authentication services. 

Question 2:
Is there documentation for this approach?

Thanks, Tony


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes, you should be able to use this authentication method. We don't have this documented yet because it's not a common use case. 

    Authentication is simply validating credentials (however you interpret with .net) and then generating a Xano authtoken once the credentials have been validated.... so this is might even be just a single API request line item that could be done inside the existing auth/login endpoint.