Designing a database

Hello everyone,

I'm very new at developing and I am having a hard time trying to figure out the best way to structure my database for my project. I am building an e-commerce platform that incorporates payments on one side and on another side digital advertising for music artists. I already have some tables setup within my database on Xano but to be frank, I can really use some help. Can someone help me out? 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  have you seen the Database series and Idea to App youtube series? These should help you think about planning your database and app.

    But also keep in mind, it's very normal to iterate and try things out with development. Sometimes you realize you need something later on so you go back and build it in. Or, you even think of a better way to do something so you switch things up. It's likely your first design will not be your final