What's the best database structure?

 Hi all! I'm planning on storing data from different data sources: fb ads, instagram insight, google ads, etc.

How can I best organize my database? Store data for different sources in a separate table and then combine these tables into one common one, or immediately make one common table in which there will be fields for all possible data sources?

Or maybe you know another solution that will solve my problem in the most optimal way.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     if you haven't already, I recommend starting with a couple video series we have: From Idea to App and the Database series. These should definitely give you some insights and things to consider.

    Additionally, it seems you are describing relational and non-relational database set ups. I might consider separating your sources into different tables in a relational manner as it will likely be easier to manage as your database grows.