Creating time periods from two dates for a list of objects

Hey folks, really exciting getting going with Xano, looks great so far. I'm having a bit of a trouble getting something over the line in workflows which id massively appreciate some advice on. An example of what I want to achieve is:

Data Table 1
Item 1 Start 01/05/21 End 06/15/21 
Item 2 Start 03/20/21 End 09/24/21

Create a new data table 2:
Item 1 Start 01/05/21 End 01/31/21
Item 1 Start 02/1/21 End 02/28/21
Item 1 Start 03/1/21 End 03/31/21
Item 1 Start 04/1/21 End 04/30/21
Item 1 Start 05/1/21 End 05/31/21
Item 1 Start 06/1/21 End 06/15/21
Item 2 Start 03/20/21 End 03/31/21
Item 2 Start 04/1/21 End 04/30/21
Item 2 Start 05/1/21 End 05/31/21
Item 2 Start 06/1/21 End 06/30/21
Item 2 Start 07/1/21 End 07/31/21
Item 2 Start 08/1/21 End 08/31/21
Item 2 Start 09/1/21 End 09/24/21
In reality there will be associated values that will also need to be calculated based upon these time periods, but I can hopefully deal with that as a step 2. 

What I've managed to do is create the first and second item, in that I take the start date, use last day of month function, and then + 1 day to get me the start of the next period. 

What I'm struggling with is how to structure it in such a way that I get the required output.

I understand I need to loop through to create all required entries.
I believe "Item 1", "Start", "End" I need to define as keys?
Would I need to loop through the "Add Record" function to add each row in turn into the database?  


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Once you've created the list of all your items, you then would for a For Each Loop through that list, which will produce a variable For Each item... place the Add Record nested under that and reference the For Each variable in the Add Record function... a good example of that logic in action is this tutorial of adding a list of items from an external API:

  • Tom Cvij
    Tom Cvij Member
    Thanks Michael, that's useful guidance! I'm unfortunately having issues creating all variables in the first place, as the number of variables will depend on the time between the two dates. I need to loop through and create X values based on a condition. Take previous value + 1 month while this variable is less than the end date. The "While Loop" wont let me reference the variable that I am creating, what am I missing? 
  • Tom Cvij
    Tom Cvij Member
    Here is where I got to:

    -I bring in my start and end dates as variables.
    -Create a new array
    -Add my Start date to that array
    -Then trying to loop through my array taking the last value and using "first day of next month" as a new array value, only when the last array value is < the End date.

    This should give me a list of month start dates, however I am getting and error with  "Potential infinite loop. Please limit your loop operations to under 100. ".

    Is this because I am using the last item in the array as the basis for adding to the array as well as the condition with which to run the loop? 