Authentication with external API partners - passing data between two APIs (initial call and call bac

Hello Guys, I am trying to integrate with a partner that requires 1.0 OAuth which seems to a bit too complex for me.
The flow is more or less as follow: create client specific signature (API 1), authenticate (API 1), receive link for the specific user where they log in through partner web view to authorize my platform, partner call back to my endpoint (API 2) and proceed to receive user token and secret (API2). 
Now what is new here for me is that I need to create two separate API calls one is executed by users through xano, second is callback from the partner to xano endpoint. I am using webhook to catch data in the second one, however to identify which user started the first call I somehow need to identify for which user the call back is happening. Currently I am using a cache value with a token as a key. Is it the right way? Is there any other way of doing it that you would recommend? 
