Comparing timestamp and dates


I have a table where I store values for some metrics. The table structure is quite simple: metric id, userid, metric date and metric value. 

When a new metric comes in, I want to check if I already have a value for that metric id & user id for the date in question. 

I tried a query all records with 3 custom filters - 
1.  userid in table = incoming userid  
2. metricid in table = incoming metricid
3. metric date = incoming metric date (or now if no date comes in)

As I am checking at day level (I cannot have 2 values for the same metric or the same user for the same day) I tried using an epoch time filter to calculate days lapsed from start of epoch. But that did not work. I cannot find the format timestamp filters in the query all records either so I am a bit lost on how to check equality between two fields at a partial timestamp level (just the date part). 

I could probably use some loops or array filters (?), but seems an overkill. If I do a query all records, and the resulting array has a count > 0 than I dont do any updates, as I already have the value. 

Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  - are you using a date field or a timestamp field?

    If you are using a date field, you should be able to set the custom query = today... where today would just be a text string.

    If you are using a timestamp field. You will want to where statements:

    field >= today
    field < tomorrow

    You can see more about using relative time formats in our documentation:
  • Vlad B
    Vlad B Member
     trying to compare a timestamp field with a date field. I have timestamp in my API response and a date in my database. And I want to check if the date in the timestamp is the same as the date in my database. I'll check your response and see if I manage to get it working for my use case. Thank you!!
  • Abdullah Abdulkareem
     did you end up figuring this out? Having the same question on my end as well
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    You will need to format the timestamp into a date to compare the two to each other.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    If you're doing it inside the Query then an easy win is the timestamp_epoch_day filter
  • Abdullah Abdulkareem
     wow thanks for the very quick response! I'll give this a try 🙂
  • Riaan Backer
     - I have to two timestamp values. Start_time (8:00) and end_time (15:00) and I want to make use of a while loop in order to add 10min intervals to the start_time until it is greater or equal to the end_time. I have followed your advice by making use of the normal where comparison that comes with the while loop function but it seems that the comparison does not work.

    Below is a screenshot of the formatting in place for start_time and end_time[timestamp.PNG]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     You'll need to make the comparison first before formatting the timestamp in the format you have it. 
  • Riaan Backer
     - thanks for the feedback. It would be very helpful to be able to compare even after you have applied formatting. I know you will have to compare apples with apples (day vs day/month vs month) in order for the comparison to work. It just gets difficult to confirm your results if you don't format it into a human readable format.

    Maybe consider this as an enhancement
  • Riaan Backer
      - the current timestamp database data field caters for day+time. I need to do comparison on time slots only on not days. What data field type would you recommend for this in the database? The issue that I face at the moment is that because the timestamp field includes a date also I cant just compare the time. I initially thought I could but based on your advice I should not apply formatting and if I do the comparison without the format filter includes the date which the returns the wrong results.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    On second pass - it appears that you can 100% make comparisons of timestamps in your format.
    [CleanShot 2022-03-10 at 13.36.29.mp4] Perhaps there is another piece of the logic where your error is occurring?
  • Riaan Backer
    I have managed to solve the problem by transforming into 24h format with leading zeros(H:i). For some strange reason converting into no leading zero (G:i) it does not return accurate results.

    I do a comparison by finding all elements within and array object based on a time slot.
  • Felix Tan-2030210
     Jumping on this thread, I'm getting this error when using the timestamp_epoch_day filter. Most filters with regards to timestamps throw the same error.[image.png]Here's the query
  • Felix Tan-2030210
    SIdenote: Why isn't the format and transform filters available on search query conditionals? It would make life so much easier... 😢
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     What's the schema of user.profile.work_anniversary

    Also always start with the db on the left side.

    Query all records operates on a different environment than variables in the function stack therefore the filters are not the same
  • Felix Tan-2030210
     schema is a timestamp. 

    Is there anyway to get it to work with a date schema though? As that would be preferred, but I couldn't get it to work with that schema.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    it looks like you just need to start with the db and it should sort itself out:[CleanShot 2022-05-06 at 10.48.35.png]For a date field, you can leverage the between filter and relative time, for example:[CleanShot 2022-05-06 at 10.50.04.png]