Stripe Connect in Payment processing

Hi, You guys have a wonderful tutorial around marketplace backend, it will be really complete with Stripe Connect.  You guys have existing ones for Payments and Prices.  It will be really helpful for marketplace type apps.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    You are able to integrate with any 3rd party API with the external API request function - so just because something isn't in the marketplace doesn't mean you can't use it :)
  • JessicaWade
    JessicaWade Member
    edited March 2023

    Subscriptionflow is a novel platform that provides seamless integration with Stripe, a payment processor, to manage subscription-based payments. This platform is particularly useful for individuals who are constructing a marketplace application that necessitates subscription-based payments. By utilizing Subscriptionflow's integration with Stripe, payment-related operations can be handled with ease.