remove item from array

I'm working with Adalo and Xano. Adalo have problem working with array and external DB. So... I'm trying to return only one value from an array to Adalo. I tried many things (filter array...) but cant figure out how to do it.
This is the case:
1.  I have DB "chatroom" with relationship to users. every chat room have two users. I want to return only one user that its not the login user.
2. in the API input I have "chatroom_id" and "user_id". this is the LOGIN user. I want to return the other user.

[image.png]How can I extract only the user that its NOT the user_id?


  • Ehud Shamon
    never mind 🙂 I did it
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Glad you figured it out :)
  • Anna Sho
    Anna Sho Member
     I have the same issue. But the solution suggested above returns original list of data AND additional block of data where some records removed.

    I want as output to have the whole list with other DATA but without particular records that I remove in the loop.

    Can you suggest the solution please?
    [Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 18.33.58.png]
    [Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 18.28.11.png]
    Should be there an UPDATE variable option participants_user_id that is an array and only 1 record left there.

    can you please suggest a solution. Thank you
    [Screenshot 2022-01-05 at 18.33.07.png]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - I think I follow your example... can you try using the filter "remove" and see if that solves it?

    We also have office hours tomorrow morning (link to sign up is on the left hand side of the community under Links), we can provide further help there as well
  • Anna Sho
    Anna Sho Member
     [Screenshot 2022-01-07 at 07.30.35.png]I've tried, that doesn't work 😟
    And I've missed office hours
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - the remove filter, not the remove from loop function.

    [CleanShot 2022-01-07 at 11.45.30.png]
    [CleanShot 2022-01-07 at 11.46.23.png]