
why am i getting this error in bravo ?
[Screenshot 2021-11-06 at 10.42.07 AM.png]I have put in all the inputs, even auth token value. 


  • Sean Montgomery
    Sean Montgomery Administrator


     it looks like that tool you are using isn't showing you the necessary information in the error message. If you run your endpoint manually in a web browser it shows the error - https://x8ki-letl-twmt.n7.xano.io/api:3YTVjx4x/rates
    {"message":"Unable to locate var: Dealer_1.margin"}It looks like you are reference a variable that doesn't exist. You can also find this information easily by going to that endpoint in your Xano account and clicking Run&Debug.
  • Kaustubh Mokashi
    Its running on Debug. It needs a value to be passed, which is not being passed from url i guess ?

    How do I deal with this problem?
  • Paul Gill
    It's worth remembering that in Bravo, you can click on the 'debug' tab in your first picture, and it gives you more information.  🙂