Webflow + Wized.io + Xano

A seemingly fantastic tool, called Wized, makes the middle layer incredibly powerful.

Where I'm stuck is understanding the use of Xano APIs. 

1. When creating a user, should I be hitting the Auth APIs or the User table APIs?
2. When a user logs in, I assume it's the AUTH APIs, would that be correct?

Primarily where I'm falling short here is understanding how the Auth APIs/database speaks to the User table, the vice-versa.


  • Matt
    Matt Member
    Update: Using the debugger and the network console of the browser, I figured out my mistake.

    It helps when I point to the proper endpoint, such as /auth/signup vs /auth/login
  • Facundo Lucci
    Wized is such a cool tool. I tried setting up Xano awhile back and had some issues that were resolved via weird loop around. I’m curious if the api is working as expected now and if you can share your steps/experience?
  • Matt
    Matt Member
    At this time I'm still unsure where things are incorrectly configured. Wized has little to no documentation so it's a bit of a guessing game. 

    Part of the challenge is that it appears the "form" elements are using native webflow functions, but it's unclear to me how to ensure Wized knows if/when a user is even logged in. 

    I'm puzzled.
  • RonM
    RonM Member
     That's disappointing to hear. Is there customer service response slow?
  • Matt
    Matt Member
     Very slow. Today, however, they've announced adding a few people to their team. I realize it's a brand new start-up so I'm trying to be patient and just "figure it out" as much as I can on my own until they can offer decent support. 
  • Matt
    Matt Member

    The good news is that I have:
    1. A working signup form, creating a user and authenticating upon successful POST
    2. A functioning login form, authenticating upon successful POST
    3. Display of user-data where authentication is required

    The tool is tricky since there is virtually no documentation. Honestly, I think this is the biggest challenge at the moment but I was able to jump on a video session with the creator who helped me work out a couple of my challenges. 

    I believe it has a great future if they can address some of the most obvious gaps: support, documentation, and a API speed (technically, their API talks with the Xano API to ensure tokens are not exposed).