best way to track user activity in the db?

For this particular project, I'm using Landbot, a fantastic, highly-recommended chatbot, and Xano as the backend.  

There's an 8-min intro video, and when they come back for day 2, I don't want them to have to watch that again.  

The easiest solution that's obvious to me is to create an object field called "activity" where I can add activities I want to track as boolean values and have landbot check the record.

Is there a smarter, slicker way to do that?



  • Facundo Lucci
    You are not alone, I have boolean field with label “onboarded” that gets marked to true once they finish the tutorial.
    I also wonder if there is a better way. Maybe a tool like segment in conjunction with xano?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Yes, I'd consider a tool like segment especially if you are going to have lots of user events that you want to track. 

    You could also consider an activities table if the object starts getting too big. 
  • Yulian Diaz
    Hi Michael, any guide in how to implement CDPs like Segment inside Xano for server-side tracking?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     no guide for something that specific, but that would be a good use case to do something for! 
  • Leo Med
    Leo Med Member

    Hey @Michael Udinski , hope you're doing well. Is there finaly something for tracking user activity ?

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hey @Leo Med just to expand on my above comment. While I don't have a guide, there are plenty of services such as Segment, Mixpanel, FullStory, Amplitude, etc. that track user activity. These are services that we use ourselves to track our user activity in Xano. I would recommend looking into one of these providers.