Filtering Multiple API Get Requests

I'm working with Xano and Bravo Studio, but I think I might be trying to do something Bravo can't do as it is, so I'm hoping this can be achieved in the back end by using different API Get requests.

I've got a medical section which is getting a little complex; obviously you have the user then 'patient' then brand of med, type of med, batch no, date from, date to, etc.

Bravo will let me do a list, but it will list all the same type of meds together, when I want the meds to be in date order - newest at the top, oldest at the bottom.

As I have a different graphic for each medicine type, I need to bind them to each graphic separately.  So one API request for one sort of med, another for another, etc.  But then I'd like these requests returned and put in that date order.

I may not be explaining this well..!
