Set field_value to Integer rather than Array with Integer [Solved]

I'm using dot notation to set the value of a field. It sets the value as an array with the single value rather than just the value, unless I add a filter like MAX or MIN that pulls the highest value from the single-value array.

(e.g. returns [17] instead of 17. with MAX filter returns 17.)

Using MAX or MIN works so everything is fine as it is, but it seems like I should be able to simply set the value as an integer without it.
[CleanShot 2021-11-10 at 11.43.11@2x.jpg]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey Karl - I don't have enough context here so I'm going to assume that var: active_goal is coming from a query all records function. If you want to return just a single value there - then set the return type from list to single (Query all records > output > return). 
  • Karl Larson
    Yep - that was it. Thanks!