External filtering using like/contain

Is there a way to filter records using something that's akin to SQL like '%%'?

So the JSON is something like this:

"op": "contain"
"right": {
              "operand": ""

I searched high and low but couldn't find an answer to this.

Also is it possible to do case-insensitive comparison?  I tried to_lower() but that only converts the operand to lowercase not the field itself.

Thanks in advance.


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  that would be the "Like" operand in the Query All Records function (Query all records > Filter > By Custom Query)

    [CleanShot 2021-11-11 at 11.45.14.png]
  • Thank you, Michael, for your help.  I was able to get the "like" operator to work using case-insensitive comparison.  However, when using it in the JSON for external filtering, the "like" operator does not ignore the case.  This seems to be a bug.

    "op": "like"
    "right": {
                  "operand": "%%"

    It would only work if the casing matches.

    For example, if I try "first" when the field value is "First batch", it does not return any match.  However, if I use "First", then it returns the results fine.

    Using the example you provided, when the filter is applied on the where clause, it works fine.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Apologies, for the confusion - like is going to be case-sensitive. In this use case, you will want to use "ilike" for case-insensitive operator 
  • Fernando Andrade
    Hi ,

    I'm also trying to use this functionality, but I must be doing something wrong. Here is my json:
    "external": {
    "expression": [
    "statement": {
    "left": {
    "tag": "col",
    "operand": "items.name"
    "op": "ilike",
    "right": {
    "operand": "%lista%"
    }But I'm getting this error message:
    and here is the normal result I get without the filter:
    "result": {
    "itemsReceived": 2,
    "curPage": 1,
    "nextPage": null,
    "prevPage": null,
    "itemsTotal": 2,
    "pageTotal": 1,
    "items": [{
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Lista de teste 1",
    "type": "Lista dinâmica",
    "created_at": "08/03/22",
    "deleted": false,
    "deleted_at": "31/12/69",
    "_created_by": {
    "id": 61,
    "first_name": "Joenne"
    }, {
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Lista de teste 2",
    "type": "Lista estática",
    "created_at": "08/03/22",
    "deleted": true,
    "deleted_at": "08/03/22",
    "_created_by": {
    "id": 55,
    "first_name": "Fernando"
    "_deleted_by": {
    "id": 55,
    "first_name": "Fernando"
    }can you help me?
  • Luck Kanthatham-2308338
      Sorry, I'm not Michael but hopefully I can help.  Instead of "items", use the name of the table/object instead.  If your table name is "user", then the value should be "user.name".
  • Fernando Andrade
    It helped a lot. Worked perfectly.

  • Fernando Andrade
    When including the sortBy filter in the same json it works perfectly with the fields returned from the same table, but I can't sort the result by the fields obtained through addon.

    Is there any way to do this?
    "external": {
    "expression": [
    "statement": {
    "left": {
    "tag": "col",
    "operand": "audience_custom_list.name"
    "op": "ilike",
    "right": {
    "operand": "%lista%"
    "sort": [
    "sortBy": "user.first_name",
    "orderBy": "asc"
    "page": 1,
    "per_page": 10
  • Luck Kanthatham-2308338
     I'd say you probably need Michael on this one.  I haven't tried it with addon.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     You can't sort the main query by an Addon. Addons are a second pass after the main query has already executed.