Is Conditional Function the right process for getting the meetings i want from a list of meetings?

in advance for simple simple question —

I created the idea below. I've gotten confused with FILTERS under MANIPULATION since its also what I was trying to achieve but now im thinking its supposed to be here?[image.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - you can accomplish this all within the Query All Records Function.

    There is a section called Filter > By Custom Query within the function which lets you filter the records based on parameters you set...

    So if you have a field that references the user_id in you meetings table all you need to do is this:

    [CleanShot 2021-11-17 at 17.07.51.png]
    [CleanShot 2021-11-17 at 17.07.42.png]
  • Arturo Garcia
    Thank you! Question on this topic — if I want the meetings where instead the meetings.user_id = to the user_id but i am using EMAIL field as the input from the client side, how do reference that thing in that combo object I guess