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  • Mohammad Hamidi
    i want to make an API Call with my Xano API, when it return "String" i want the API Stop, and return 0, and when it return double or integer everytthing be ok, how i can do that? 

  • Ergin
    Ergin Member
    Hi Prakash, I need a CMS solution that doesn't have the same 10k limit Webflow has and stumbled upon your product.

    One question I have is if I use Xano as my CMS, will the data be crawled by search engines? I found other solutions but one big problem they have is that the data is not crawlable since it has to fetched elsewhere.
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


    Hello  ! Thanks for giving Xano a shot. The short answer is No - If you want to use Webflow on the front-end, regardless of the backend you use it will load data dynamically on the page. The way other front-ends get around this is by using a dynamic-rendering mode that generates static HTML files for the search engines to read. There may be a way to do this but I'm not a webflow expert!
  • Prakash Chandran
    Prakash Chandran Administrator


     Apologies i'm just seeing this message - did you figure this out yet?
  • Algen
    Algen Member

    Hello I just started out, the API tester doesn't seem to work, all it does is load...

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator



    Hi @Algen can you please write into support with your issue? They will be able to take a closer look

  • Yuriy
    Yuriy Member

    Hi there!

    I simply need to filter an array of objects to not contain the values from the database.

    A simple array is coming from the API and looks like that:

    And I need to get the array that won't contain let's say "orange" and "pear" so that it will return

    I tried to read docs and watch videos about array filters but it turned out I can't access the database record within the "Filter" function/filter

    I know it's just basics, ask you guys to help, please 😣

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @Yuriy ! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community! 🤗

    A way that you can go about filtering records is to utilize the Filter Tab in the Query all Records function in the function stack. In this section, you can define rules on how you want your records queried, including setting conditional logic. You can learn more about the Filter Tab in our documentation here.


    In the video above, you can see that I am querying all the records from my store table. When I run the API, I get all the records from my store table. However, if I don't want my response to include the store with the name "Corner Market," I can utilize the filter tab to add a condition so that a specific record is not included in the response array.

    Please let me know if this information is helpful or if you have any additional questions!

  • Yuriy
    Yuriy Member
    edited June 2023

    Hi @lizanaya

    Thanks for your response! Yeah, I see what you mean in the video. But I just forgot to explain that I'm using an external API request and there are no such conditionals/filters as you mentioned in the video

    So is there a way to filter an array that is coming from an external API?

    Or another question is what's the way to request database entries (through the var or whatever) within the "Filter" lambda function? That could solve my problem too

    Thank you!

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @Yuriy !

    Thank you for providing the additional information. I created a separate post, which you can find here, so that other community members with similar questions can easily find the information. In the post, you'll find a video that walks through how to filter an array that is coming from an external API using the filter Filter.

    Let me know if it's helpful or have additional questions! 😊

  • Yuriy
    Yuriy Member

    @lizanaya Thank you, I saw that video, it doesn't work for me. So I replied through the video too and just duplicated it here

  • michalfriedrich

    Hey everybody.

    I have seen there is a tutorial how to build a simple workflow resizing the images, but struggle to do so.

    So if you guys know any nice video or tutorial - including the endpoint configuration - give me a tip :)

    Have a viable business need here :)

    Best wishes!

  • michalfriedrich


    After some time I figured out a video from xano that helps,

    but I am getting an error on step 3 (create file resource): that the api_1.response.result.output.url doesn't exit.

    I am doing everything according to the script - any1 got an idea what can go wrong?

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hi @michalfriedrich! 👋

    Welcome to the Xano Community! 🎉

    I just ran through the tutorial and came across the same error. I was able to find a workaround by adding /vault at the end of the URL for the entire Xano instance that we include in the External API Request function.

    Try it out, and let me know if this works on your end. 😊

  • michalfriedrich

    Thanks. As I have fought with that for sometime I have beaten it finally.

    Thanks for the support.

    Now I am wondering how to execute for a tiny png the request to fit the image, not to shrink it in megabytes.

    The goal is that the customer wants to receive a picture in the size of an A4.

    I should use the fit.
    So my first step is:

    But I would like to receive a workflow that shrinks the file in width/height - to match the A4.

    So I wrote the following - to shrink the one that was above, but in fact I can make it in one step.

    Any idea how to execute this shrinking change?

  • pkramar
    pkramar Member

    Hey Community,

    Have 2 questions:
    1., I need the value of a specific digit in a long number…
    2., From a long list I need only a part as a sublist…

    Any idea how to do these?

  • Liz Anaya
    Liz Anaya Member, Administrator



    Hey @pkramar!

    1. Does the specific digit always live in the spot? For example, it's always the second to last digit in the long number.
    2. Is your list an array? And does the sublist always live in the same spot?

    Any additional info you'd be able to share would be great. Include any relevant screenshots, examples, or even a Loom video! 😃