[RESOLVED] CONDITIONAL Data Manipulation Function or Value Data Filter?

Hi, Dummy here — 🤓👌 — looking forward to that clicking moment when I can graduate to more complex tasks.

GOAL — Filter a LIST to only show records with an input ID in it.

SOLUTION — https://community.xano.com/c/transforming-data/is-conditional-function-the-right-process-for-getting-the-meetings-i-want-from-a-list-of-meetings#comment_wrapper_4142989

I am confused whether I should be using a CONDITIONAL Data Manipulation found on values filters

or if I should be using the Conditional Statement below?


  • Arturo Garcia
     Question, sounds like I made a mistake thinking FILTER meant QUERY. Is it safe to assume anytime I mean filter data out of another set of data what I am looking to do is "QUERY" rather than "FILTER"?
  • Arturo Garcia
    Mimiced the actions and got this error

  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Can you send screenshots of what you are you trying to do in your by custom query?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     I think you're over-thinking this. It's both. Technically, yes you are setting the rules of how you want your data queried... but you can still think of this as filtering the data that comes back from your query based on the rules you set
  • Arturo Garcia
     Oh gotcha - okay i may be thinking too much, its just I try to compartmentalize using keywords to quickly understand the platform. If I have a hard keyword linked with certaian functionality, its easier to recall in the future
  • Arturo Garcia
     Oh yes I figured it out! So the issue was the user_id field had a pre-setup condition or filter with a min value. When I was running the api, I was actually omitting that field all together because my front end wouldnt be posting that info.

    The error above was what resulted. (atleast from what i can recall)
  • Arturo Garcia