Connecting Xano to Wordpress...

I'm sure this must be possible, but I'm not sure where to start.

I'm making an app, and what I want is when someone clicks a particular button, bits of informantion are taken from the Xano database and displayed in a sidebar widget in Wordpress.

Anyone done anything like that? 🙂


  • JJ
    JJ Member
    Hi  depends on the CPT you are using and which information you want to send. Can you provide more details of what you want to achieve?
  • Paul Gill
    Hi JJ thanks for the reply.  🙂

    I haven't set anything up yet, but one use case would be users adding results at a sporting event they're participating in, and wanting to send it to a community.

    So they'd save the details in an app and then could submit them to a results, updates or even news ticker style widget.
  • david berney
    Hi Paul did you get anywhere with the wordpress integration ? i'm trying to do the same but i've been unlucky with my choice of developers and not made any progress to date, im hope to have someone new start on it next week happy to keep you updated    
  • Paul Gill
    Paul Gill Member
    Hi David,

    I found someone to do it, and they're working on it at the moment, so I don't have news how it works so far!

    Good luck though, and fingers crossed!  :)
  • david berney
    Likewise Paul my guy is on it now  
  • JJ
    JJ Member
    If you hit a wall, let me know, maybe I can help. Doing something similar in a WordPress site.
  • david berney
    thanks JJ and likewise, we should be all set up by mid next week fingers crossed 
  • Iulian Maftei

    @david berney , @JJ Did you somehow manage to integrate Wordpress with XANO? If so, could you share the process? What resources do we need for this? Thanks a lot!

  • JJ
    JJ Member

    Hi @Iulian Maftei ,

    I only managed this with a custom wordpress plugin. But depends on your scenario. My scenario was to display data in single posts page. Example: "Check the value of a metafield and according to field value make xano call and then the results display in the page"

    So created a plugin that gets a metafield value in the single post. The Widget (via shortcode) is added in the template of the single post to be able to display the results. Whenever post is opened the plugin will read the value, make the API call and display the values in the post via a shortcode. To summarize, php plugin added directly into WordPress.

    One remark here, I didn't use auth token (This would be too complex), I just a sort of "secret key" to call the values, as the data was not sensitive. But if you would like to use this, I would say you could do the following:

    Use a Form plugin that allows webhook/API endpoint requests (My preference goes to WS Forms). Then use the form to login user and use the API call to make a request to XANO and create the auth token. You can store this in a custom field of the user. Then in the plugin you would need to add an extra variable, getting the current logged in user custom field with the token and add to the plugin code in the API request.

    Hope this helps😀.