Make an API to allow a user to update their name

I have a database of Users that I use for authentication. I have a field in the user table called 'name'. This feels super basic but I can't figure out how to format an API that allows a logged in authenticated user to update their name in the table.

End result:
Allows user to update their name field on POST
Doesn't update the whole record, just the name field

Any ideas or links to guides would be massively appreciated! 



  • Karl Larson
     Could you just use a POST endpoint, only take the ID and name inputs, then only update the name field? I don't think you'd even need the ID input and use the Auth ID instead.

    [CleanShot 2021-11-22 at 08.34.27@2x.jpg]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    What  said, I'd probably make an endpoint just for updating the name only if that's what is exposed in your front-end. Nothing wrong with having an endpoint dedicated to a specific action. You could also check out the conditional set filters if you want a catch all (most) edit endpoint

  •  Thanks Karl!
  •  Thanks Michael
  •  Hi Karl, finally got back to this - very close to working but getting an issue when I add the endpoint in Draftbit.

    All works in Xano:
    [Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 16.31.11.png]
    In Draftbit I get this error:
    [Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 16.32.37.png]
    Setup is below:
    [Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 16.32.22.png][Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 16.32.11.png][Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 16.32.16.png]
    Any ideas?
  • Karl Larson

    In DB step 2 you have {user_id} in the base URL but that needs to be a DB variable like {{user_id}}. Double brackets not single.

    Then you can delete the user_id from the Xano input because that’ll be pulled from the authenticated user via the URL variable.
  •  Legend thanks, one step closer to it working!

    I have made the changes suggested above and I can now save the endpoint and it works on test. 🎉

    However, when I try to hook a button to the endpoint it is asking for the user_ID (rather than getting it from the Auth):

    [Screenshot 2021-12-04 at 17.02.52.png]
  • Karl Larson

    Can you pull the user_id from a Fetch it’s already nested under? Or make a new endpoint that gets the auth user’s info?
  •  Great idea, all working now, thanks!