Collapsible Function Stack Sections

Once my logic gets lengthy, it is cumbersome to navigate the function stack. 

User Story:
As a avid Xano user, I would like to have the ability to group my function stack into sections so I can visually hide away logic I am not working with at the moment, so that I may focus on the areas of the function stack I am working on, without having to scroll up and down the stack all the time.

Suggested Implementation:
Create a new "Section" function in the "Utility Functions" that when added to the function stack, allows the user to take action on any functions nested inside the Section. 

Suggested actions for Sections:
1) Minimize - visually hides all functions within the section by collapsing the inner functions down to the section line. 
2) Duplicate - Runs the duplicate action on each function within the section grouped within a new section.  Thereby creating a duplicate of the section. (Good for quickly making duplicate logic for conditionals)
3) Delete - Delete all functions within a section.
4) Disable / Enable - Disable or Enable all functions in the section at one time.
5) Add Description / Name - Names the section to easily identify contents.
