Converting a Bubble Database to Xano

I have an app on Bubble for which I want to build a mobile app in Draftbit and it seems to make it work more efficiently as well as for future-proofing, it seems to make the most sense to migrate over the database to Xano and turn Xano into the main backend for all front-end apps.

I know CSV imports are coming next week, so in the meantime, to test things out at least for the database structure I exported my dev DB to airtable and imported it to xano from there. 

The main problem I am facing is that the data the relational part of the DB doesn't transfer over so if I have a User & Posts table, and the User table has a list/array of Posts, when I import, the User table just has a Text column/object with Post IDs. 

This presents two issues at least:
1.  If I convert the column from text to integer to make it a linked table (so I can link it to the posts table) it erases all the IDs.
2. The import of the Posts didn't bring over their underlying IDs in the Posts table, so I don't really have a way to know which record matches which ID.

Lastly but less critical for now, is that it didn't import any table objects that were empty, so if I had a table with a column that did not have any values for any record, it did not get imported. 

So my main question is, how would I migrate over the database and it's structure and relationships without breaking it?



  • Jay
    Jay Member
     This is a follow up to our office hours chat, thought to give you a heads up before next round if you need to think about it in advance.