Trigger table column adjustment when a row is created/updated

Hello there! This is my first weekend with Xano and generally DB structures so bear with me 👍. I'm stuck and I hope you can guide me or share with me docs I should read over.

Creating a crypto signal app where I have a table cryptoAlgos with each row including -> {strategy, coin and signals}. The user has the ability to add a strategy for a selected # of coins which is the userStrategies table.

When a user creates a new record in userStrategies or updates the coins column I'm trying to loop over my array of coins (e.g Bitcoin, Ethereum etc.) and query cryptoAlgos to find the matching rows and store the references in userStrategies crypto_signals.

What I did
Inside POST /userStrategies I added a function with the idea of looping over coins and query cryptoAlgos but getting an empty array


Any help is appreciated💪