Help to fix "Unable to locate var" response error

I created a function that hits an external API (Strava for a specific activity) and posts a few results from the response to a table.

That's working but I want to automatically trigger that action when I receive a Strava Webhook event (which I'm receiving successfully in another table I created to receive the webhooks).

So I clone the function stack from "Functions" to use in that webhook event table, but now I get an error from Xano stating that it's unable to locate certain variables.

Any hints as to why this function stack would work as a standalone function but not when contained within a table API?

Thanks in advance![Screen Shot 2021-12-06 at 18.04.33.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hey  - how are you inputting the data?
    • Make sure your inputs are correctly mapped to the function
    • Please check your API request history, if that path does not exist in the payload then either define the correct path or use the GET filter which allows you to define a default value if that path is only sometimes sent in the payload
  • pkramar
    pkramar Member

    I have a similar problem. There is a value in the external api response, which is there in most cases, but when it is not active there is not (no key too).