Multiplying aggregate sum with another variable "list*float" errors?

Hello all. 
I've taken a list of numbers, made their aggregate sum, and created a variable with that value. 
I've also found the value that I want to multiply this aggregate sum variable with. 
I can run everything successfully up to this point. I can have my response show my list with the aggregate sum and its table reference Id, I can have it show the variable that is that sum, I can have it show the variable that is the value I wan't to multiply that sum with. 
But when I go and multiply the two, I get a variety of errors each way I'm attempting it. 
I get "list*float" error most commonly. 
Any thoughts on how to fix this? 
I've tried making a new variable that is the previous 2 multiplied, and just tried updating variables even and can't get it to respond correctly. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    It sounds like you are trying to do manipulation to a list. You must iterate through a list with a loop anytime you want to do something to it.

    I'd suggest a For Each Loop through the list from the query all records.
    Then an update variable with the new field and the multiplication you want to do. For example:
    [CleanShot 2021-12-07 at 17.43.21.png]
  • [image.png] 
    So, I managed to get it to work without using a Loop. But obviously I worry that I'll be learning a bad habit that makes things harder for me.
    I used an array sum while querying all electric bills
    [image.png]Then I turned it into a variable in step 5 and used the get function to convert that into a number.

    Based on what I'm hearing from you this is far from best practice i take it?
    This is the first API and workflow I've ever created.  Being brand new, i expect i'm taking the long way for many things.