Airtable Error

Hi! I've been running into Airtable Import errors. Is there anyway to find more info about what's causing the errors? Thanks!
[Screen Shot 2021-12-09 at 11.32.26 AM.png]


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - what kind of data and how much data is in the base you are importing? 
  • Marianna Kerppola
     - I'm importing 226 records with ~45 fields, including dates, strings, some linked fields, integers and a few formulas. I've imported these same tables before and haven't run into errors, nor are there any new data types. In fact, originally, I tried updating the tables with the update button, but new data wasn't coming through, so I tried reimporting instead.

    Any other troubleshooting you'd recommend?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    When you say update button, do you mean the refresh button on the spreadsheet view in the Xano database? Airtable import is not a two-way sync, so you would have to import again to get updates from changes you make in Airtable.

    We just found out that Airtabe doesn't send empty values and created a workaround for it, that might have been affecting things. Can you please test that out next time you have a chance?
  • Marianna Kerppola
    Hi ,

    By update button, I mean the refresh button in the top right corner of the Table view. I must've misunderstood the purpose of that button from Office Hours before.

    Nonetheless, I tried the Import again, and it resulted in an error again.
  • Marianna Kerppola
    Hi ,

    Are there any other troubleshooting options for the Airtable Import? As a feature request, it'd be great to be able to see the request response in the list of import/export requests. It'd at least give a clue about how to attempt troubleshooting.
    [Screen Shot 2021-12-14 at 2.39.58 PM.png]
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     - there is an issue with downloading attachments and images. Uncheck that option for now when doing the import and it will work. 
  • Marianna Kerppola
    Fantastic ! It worked. Thanks! 
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     downloading attachments and images is back up and running again!