How to push the new version of APIs to shared snippet users?

Hi Xano team, 

I was wondering if it is possible to push my update on APIs to my shared snippet users without affecting the databases. My scenarios are as below:
1.  Build API components and share or sell them with other users
2.  Managing upgrade of single-tenant applications across the workspaces.

In both cases, users expect to get continuous support instead of a one-time purchase, so an easy way to push updates is required. If it's currently not possible, I truly hope it's on your roadmap. 

This is a must-have feature for me to make scaling my business on Xano platform feasible. It would be even better with version control that allows reverting back to previous versions. Thanks!


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    You can make updates to Snippets from the Dev Center on your workspace, however, these changes are not just automatically transferred to anyone using your Snippet. Since Snippets can be used by other Xano, there's no telling if they've created changes to something they've installed in their workspace as a Snippet. 

    The kind of features that you are describing will be better addressed in an Agency specific package the is going to be launched in Q1 of 2022. So please standby for more info on that coming soon :)