Catch an exception

I've converted an API end point with a precondition set to enforce that data is returned.  Now that this is a function, is it possible that the calling function can catch exception from the precondition in the function and do something with it?

1.  main function calls the function
2. function fails based on the precondition and generates an exception
3. currently, the main function exits with the exception from step 2

I'd like to be able to catch the exception from step 2 and continue down the main function.


  • In general, if there's a way to do some kind of try/catch, it would be extremely useful.
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Xano doesn't do try/catch but you should be able to accomplish the same thing with conditionals and preconditions
  • Thank you, Michael.
  • Ambroise
    Ambroise Member

    Wow, that's a big difference from traditional development.

    Just experienced this after doing some basic check:

    const { DateTime, Duration } = luxon; // See
    const { sunday, employeeId } = $input;
    const date = DateTime.fromISO(sunday);
    // If date isn't a sunday, stop the script
    if (date.weekday !== 7) {
      throw new Error(`The provided date is not a Sunday "${sunday}". The provided date must be a Sunday but is a "${date.weekdayLong}", because the script will generate a Weekly Timesheet (7 days), starting by the week's Sunday.`);

    But even when this script was failing, the rest of the actions was executed, not quite what I had expected!