API returning 'unsupported input' error

I have an API set up to fetch and decrypt records, using an Auth ID to only return records that are attached to a specific user.

It has been working for about a month and suddenly I've somehow broken it so that it now returns a 'unsupported input' error:
[Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 14.43.08.png]
I have tried to get more info by running it through Postman but that just give same the same 'unsupported input' error with no more context. 

Any help would be much appreciated!



  • Karl Larson
    Does the debugger show anything? Like where the error occurs?

    Also, what are the items.Input_1, 2 etc.? The function isn't taking any inputs, so it is just weird naming or do those come from somewhere?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    What  said. If you enable variable details and run it to hit the error, you will be able to open the debugger and see the last function that ran. That will be the function that is hitting the error so it will really be the first step in isolating the issue
  •   so this is the info I can see in the debugger:
    [Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 22.13.16.png][Screenshot 2021-12-20 at 22.13.24.png]
    Going to grab a slot in Office hours tomorrow and have another stab at it in the morning.