API Security

Hi guys, 

just a "small" beginner question: To secure my APIs I can't use the user auth functionality. This is because I am using Adalo as Frontend and I am not part of the external user testing and can't send the users password to Xano.

Is there another way to secure my API? Is it - from a security perspective - also valid to create a system variable as some sort of a password-key that I have to add in the header of my api calls?

I just want to make them as safe as possible before launch - but as I said: Sadly I can't use the user auth part :( 

Thanks in advance. 


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  unless something has changed any Adalo user should be able to get instant access to External Users Beta: https://adalo.typeform.com/to/lvMSAClp

    I'd recommend this if you can so you don't have to go about changing everything later down the road
  • Mazze
    Mazze Member
    Thanks. I applied again (keep my fingers crossed). Sadly the (relatively complex) app is already ready so starting from scratch will be a pain in the ass^^ But if its the best and secure option to do I'll do it :) Thanks!
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Got it, the other way sounds like a possibility but all the extra legwork required and the inevitability it's scrapped for a user authentication method makes me think to start with user authentication in the first place
  • Mazze
    Mazze Member
     Indeed. Lessons learned for future projects 🙂
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     If I remember correctly, I think you just go to Settings > Profile > Enable Developer Mode... possibly one more step but that might be all 
  • Mazze
    Mazze Member
     Works. Just about to start to create my app regarding your youtube tutorial ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pP32aZIJVW0 ).

    Login, Sign Up words fine and I'm receiving a external user with a baerer token. But when trying to access a database I locked with user auth, I'm starting to receive the following error
    Any ideas here? I recreated a new workspace in xano, as well as new projects within adalo serveral times -> same result and I'm like doing your tutorial step by step. Or is this more a question for the Adalo Team?

    Here are some settings so far:
  • Mazze
    Mazze Member
    Ok, took me a while but here is what I needed to to that's different from the video: Next to the Authorization-Header I have to add a Content Type Header before (!) the Auth-Header. Now it works :)
