hide input fields not working

when your inputs are linked to a database, I am not able to hide the fields. I toggle the hide field and shows query saved but the input still appears as not hidden.



  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    What browser are you using and are you using multiple tabs at once?
  • Riaan Backer
     chrome and using single tabs. Seems to happen when I use Put
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     Got it. So far I can't re-create it. Do you mind writing into support chat with the instance, workspace, and api endpoint this is happening on so we can take a closer look?
  • Riaan Backer
     - have send you the requested information in the support cat
  • Connor McCormick
    Having the same issue, I'm on chrome and I'm using one tab (but when I created it I had multiple tabs open)
  • Riaan Backer
    When you have multiple tabs you need to refresh the tab to reflect the change. If you still cant hide the fields, you need to remove them and add them again
  • Connor McCormick
    I've done that multiple times. I'll try again tomorrow
  • Riaan Backer
    Another option, remove input fields, clone api/function and then add the fields again on the cloned api/function
  • Riaan Backer
    Forgot to mention make sure in your database if the actual field is also not set as "required"
  • Connor McCormick
    Kinda makes no sense that my database shouldn't mark the fields as required. 

    I can have a required field which could not be passed in. E.g. I could have a fields called "favorite color" and "preferred colors", and the user could pass in a list of colors like `['red', 'green', 'blue']` in their order of preference. Then I could pop the first one and use it as the "favorite color" while I add all of them to the "preferred colors" field. "favorite color" might be a required field, but it won't be passed in as its own api argument