join not performed in xano

In MySQL if we are using join between two table than in response we get a table which contain the data of both table but in xano this will not happen
than I am using addon to do this.
In my case I have two table one is product table and second is product_item table i performed join on both table and also use addon. i just add one condition is below[join.PNG]  on above image i am using like operator for product_item where we match the item_name with input here product_item is join with product table i have also used addon but in response i get hold data of product table the join and like operator not work on addon table[join_input.PNG]   above image i just pass mango ice and result is[join_result.PNG]In response it will show me all data of my product table but i want only that data which contain  the mango ice  you can see above image apple data also get but i don't want this data because i just pass mango ice than i expected only mango related data.   


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Addons will be used to decorate the response of your query. Think of it as transforming something like a table reference to the actual data contained in the related table.

    If you want to actually filter on the joined table, then make sure to use the By Custom Query expression builder to filter the returned results.

    Evals on the output tab will allow you to include fields from your joined table in the response of the query.