xano api

I have a doubt about xano free plan,10 request API in 20 sec for each mobile user or only for all mobile


  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    Hi  - the rate limit is across your instance. So it would be triggered if you have 10 users each doing 1 request in 20 seconds or 1 user doing 10 requests in 20 seconds: https://docs.xano.com/api-rate-limit

    The free plan is called Build for a reason. It's designed for you to build and develop - not for a production type application
  • Pei Shao
    Pei Shao Member
    I don't mind to have a limitation, but I do wish to have some warning messages along with it. Whenever I hit the API limit, I confused whether it was caused by my coding mistakes or by the limitation. I am not a free rider, but I will not upgrade my plan until I finish the first version of my development. I just want to make sure I attach to the backend fitting my needs. Is my approach reasonable, or am I just a stingy customer?
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


     you do receive an error message when the API rate limit is triggered, error message details that the rate limit is the reason for the error:
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Whoa there! Your plan only supports 10 requests per 20 seconds. Upgrade options and additional information is available at: https://xano.gitbook.io/xano/instances/api-rate-limit"
  • Michael Udinski
    Michael Udinski Administrator


    And that is a great approach to use the Build plans to test your ideas first - that's what it's designed for. 
  • Pei Shao
    Pei Shao Member
    I am using Appgyver as the front end and pulling data from Xano. If a page integrated with data suddenly went blank, I will have two guesses. Either my coding is wrong, or I hit the limit. A warning message coming from an email is not the best way to help me. Sometimes I just walk away and drop the work, not because I can not wait for 20 seconds. It is because I was irritated.

    Do you want developers develop things as quick as possible, then upgrade their plans? I understand and accept the strategy on  "watermark on images", but API limit slows down the processes. Isn't this defeating your own goal? I got irritated by this and started testing other possible services which might suit my needs. Have you ever evaluated this strategy? Is it helping your business?