Using Xano as full backend with database for high volume API Synchronization (100K records per day)

Hi there, we have been working with  on an API sync to import and synchronize a high volume of listings (100K listings synced everyday and 20K listings imported everyday) using Xano to run the scripts and then sending/updating data in Bubble. We faced issued with the debugger for data matching, as we have numerous data fields for this app. 

We are now considering using Xano as full backend with the scripts run and the database in Xano, not in Bubble. Then displaying this data (repeating groups with marketplace listings, so high volume at the time) via API call. Our main concern is the latency to display data in Bubble on repeating groups, since Bubble always send to its proxy server before calling the API. We fear there might be few seconds of latency, especially in a page where we have all listings, with filters. This would be quite inconvenient in terms of UX and we want to make sure latency is acceptable.

Anyone who already synchronized listings/data through an external API for instance another marketplace to fuel a marketplace app, storing data in Xano not in Bubble, with Xano as full backend, and could give us some feedbacks? Any website using this method, where we could check and measure the latency?

Many thanks 


  • Riaan Backer
    you will have to look at your architecture and the way you call data since you have large volumes of data you dont want to send all the records to the front end then filter/search. If you do this the system will become slower overtime due to high amount of records. If you show pictures it will even be worse. You will need to look into pagination/caching of data with multiple calls to the backend in order to surface the data that is relevant to the user based on their search/filter results.

    Latency will be linked to where your users are based and where you host the Xano instance.

    From my experience using Xano, there is no real concerns